Kelvin Titimbo

Kelvin Titimbo

Postdoctoral Researcher


About me

I am a postdoctoral research fellow in The Andrew and Peggy Cherng Department of Medical Engineering at Caltech. I have a PhD in Physics in the area of Theoretical Quantum Physics, Models and Mathematical Methods.

My research interests center around quantum optics and condensed matter physics: the interaction of light with matter and their dynamics, in particular those described within the open quantum system formalism. These topics can be characterized as research at boundaries between classical and quantum realms.

Besides scientific research, I am also interested in education and outreach activities.

Email me for more information

  • Quantum optics
  • Open quantum systems
  • Quantum correlations
  • Semiclassical methods
  • Foundations of quantum mechanics
  • PhD in Physics, 2015

    Università degli studi di Trieste

  • MSc in Physics, 2012

    Universidad Simón Bolívar

  • BSc in Physics, 2008

    Universidad Simón Bolívar



California Institute of Technology
Postdoctoral Researcher
Sep 2021 – Present Pasadena CA, USA
Quantum optics, Radiation-matter interaction, Foundations of quantum mechanics.
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Postdoctoral Researcher – Research Assistant
Mar 2017 – Jun 2021 Beijing, China
Atomic physics, semiclassical methods, electron dynamics, photodetachment rate and microscopy.
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas
Junior Postdoc
Jun 2019 – May 2020 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Semiclassical methods, Phase space representation of quantum dynamics.
University of Trieste & International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Research Trainee
Jul 2015 – Jan 2016 Trieste, Italy
Open Quantum Systems, Quantum Correlations, Radiation-Matter Interaction, Pump and Probe Experiments.



Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jan 2018 – May 2019 Beijing, China

Responsabilities include:

  • Co-supervising graduate students in their research projects.
  • Prepare grant applications.
  • Organize seminars.
  • Tutorials and discussion hours on topic as: quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, and semiclassical methods.
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Apr 2016 – Dec 2016 Caracas, Venezuela

Responsabilities include:

  • Teaching classical electromagnetism to science and engineering students.
    • Syllabus design.
    • Design, develop, and deliver material using a range of methods and platforms according to the topics.
    • Prepare and oversee examinations.
    • Grade homeworks, tests, and final exams.
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Jan 2009 – Mar 2011 Caracas, Venezuela

Responsabilities include:

  • Teaching introductory theoretical and lab courses to science and engineering students.
    • Syllabus design.
    • Design, develop, and deliver material using a range of methods and platforms according to the content of the courses
    • Prepare and oversee examinations.
    • Grade homeworks, tests, and final exams.

Research grants and Awards

The World Academy of Sciences
TWAS-CNPq Pos-Doutorado Junior
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas
Chinese Academy of Sciences
CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative
Category C: Promising Young International Scientist
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
TRIL Fellowship
Universita degli studi di Trieste


In press

My postdoctoral story at ITP
My postdoctoral story at ITP
My postdoctoral story at ITP
Quantum properties of vibrations in crystals
Università di Trieste: Proprietà quantistiche delle vibrazioni nei cristalli
Quantum properties of vibrations in crystals


Co-Quantum Dynamics
Spin collapse in multi-stage Stern–Gerlach systems
Co-Quantum Dynamics
External Project
An example of linking directly to an external project website using external_link.
External Project


Let’s get in touch